Futuristic laser warfare
A big day out!
RICHARD THOMAS heads to ...
Laserzone in Swansea.
WHY? A big day out!
RICHARD THOMAS heads to ...
Laserzone in Swansea.
Fans of James Cameron’s 1991 science fiction film Terminator 2: Judgment Day will recall the high-tech laser battle fought between the human resistance and the Terminator machines at the beginning of that dystopian blockbuster. At the Laserzone in Swansea you won’t bump into Arnold Schwarzenegger, but you can experience all the excitement of such sci-fi warfare without the obvious risks.
Located opposite Castle Square next to Swansea Castle, Laserzone is a high-tech, live action laser game played in a multi-level themed arena with special effects, fog, laser beams, pulse pumping music and other players/targets combining to create the ultimate laser adventure!
Not really. But some might think it ironic that the Laserzone is situated next door to the ruins of Swansea Castle, a place where real life battles once took place back in history.
There are some arcade games to keep you occupied while you wait for your turn to play, but the highlight is definitely the Laserzone game itself. Each player is given a laser pack consisting of a laser weapon and body armour. The gun and body armour both have hit sensors built into them, all of which have different score ratings. Your end score depends on your hit to shots fired ratio and how many times you’ve been hit by other players. Up to 30 players can play at once and you can choose to either play as part of a team or go it alone as an individual.
Wear casual clothes, dark colours would be best. Anyone aged eight years old and over can play. Prices are £4.00 for one game and £7.50 for two games for non-members. If you enjoy your Laserzone experience you might considering becoming a member. Membership only costs £10.00 for one year, and after you become a member you get money off each time you return to play. Also every Wednesday between 2.00pm and 4.00pm and again between 8.00pm and 10.00pm students with a valid NUS card get to play for £5.00. And on Sundays between 10.30am and 12.00pm under 16’s get to play a minimum of 3 games and a free squash drink for £7.50. If you feel hungry after playing there are some snack machines to use and a pizza restaurant, Pizza Express, is just next door.
The Laserzone is open seven days a week. It is open Monday to Friday from 12.00pm to 10.00pm and on weekends from 10.00am to 9.00pm. During the school holidays they are open 11.00am to 10.00pm.
Their address is: Laserzone, Castle Buildings, Worcester Place, Swansea, SA1 1JQ. You can find up to date information about game prices etc. on the Laserzone website at www.laserzone.org or call on 01792 653433.